Eastside Catholic Parishes of Snohomish County
Parish Family #8
St. Mary of the Valley Monroe
Holy Cross
Catholic Church
of Lake Stevens
and Granite Falls
Mailing Address: PO Box 746,
Lake Stevens, WA 98258
Street Address: 6915 SR 92,
Lake Stevens, WA 98258
Phone: 360-691-2636
Office Hours: Mon-Thur 9-4
Welcome to Holy Cross!
We’re glad you’re here.
Are you new to the parish?
Come by the office to register and be added to our members list.
Hermanos y hermanas bienvenidos … somos una comunidad católica acogedora, fortalecida por el Espíritu Santo, guiada por la Iglesia universal, para la transformación de nosotros mismos y del mundo. Trabajamos juntos para proclamar las buenas nuevas de Jesucristo a través de la celebración de la liturgia y los sacramentos, la formación en la fe para todas las edades y siempre ayudando en todas las necesidades de nuestra comunidad.
Estamos contentos de que estés aquí.
¿Eres nuevo en la parroquia?
Pase por la oficina parroquial para registrarse y ser agregado a nuestra lista de miembros.

Weekend Mass Schedule
Saturday 5:00 PM, English
Sunday 8:00 AM, Spanish
Sunday 9:30 AM, English
Sunday 11:00 AM, Spanish
Daily Mass and Rosary at 9:00 AM
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
Saturdays, Adoration & Confession, 9-10 AM
updated 7/17/2024
Information on the Sacraments of Baptism, Marriage and the Anointing of the Sick Here
Outreach Food Distribution – Curbside Pickup Only – Tuesdays 10 AM-12 PM and 2-4 PM

Holy Cross (Lake Stevens & Granite Falls) is partnered with St. Michael (Snohomish) and St. Mary of the Valley (Monroe) in a Parish Family.
We are becoming one parish with three locations, sharing one pastoral staff.
Our pastor is Fr. Jay DeFolco and our parochial vicars are Fr. Phil Bloom and Fr. Roy Baroma.
— July 1, 2024